Poster TAKING THE STAND Documentary Short
- Poster TAKING THE STAND (330kB)
Press Releases
- Press Release USA Tour 2015 (62kB)
Download Photos
- Bernhard Rammerstorfer on historical “Route 66” with “Best Short Documentary Film Award”cof the “Laughlin International Film Festival 2016” in Nevada. (2,25MB)
- Bernhard Rammerstorfer with “Alan Fortunoff Humanitarian Award” at “Long Island International Film Expo 2016” in New York (1412kB)
- Poster USA Tour 2015 Hermine Liska (510kB)
- Poster USA Tour 2015 Renèe Firestone and Hermine Liska (510kB)
- Author and Producer Bernhard Rammerstorfer
- Bernhard Rammerstorfer and the oldest interviewee Leopold Engleitner
- Bernhard Rammerstorfer and Ernst Blajs
- Bernhard Rammerstorfer and Adolf Burger
- Bernhard Rammerstorfer and Renèe Firestone
- Bernhard Rammerstorfer and Frieda Horvath
- Bernhard Rammerstorfer and Josef Jakubowicz
- Bernhard Rammerstorfer and Simone Liebster
- Bernhard Rammerstorfer and Hermine Liska
- Bernhard Rammerstorfer and Richard Rudolph
Bookcover Taking the Stand
Photos of the Survivors
- Ernst Blajs: youth photo (302kB), recent photo (297kB)
- Adolf Burger: youth photo (220kB), recent photo (247kB)
- Leopold Engleitner: youth photo (237kB), recent photo (231kB)
- Renée Firestone: youth photo (239kB), recent photo (268kB)
- Frieda Horvath: youth photo (244kB), recent photo (258kB)
- Josef Jakubowicz: youth photo (236kB), recent photo (264kB)
- Simone Liebster: youth photo (304kB), recent photo (250kB)
- Hermine Liska: youth photo (235kB), recent photo (264kB)
- Richard Rudolph: youth photo (280kB), recent photo (295kB)
- Download all photos: all photos (4MB – zip)